Saturday 14 December 2013

The Essence of Christmas

“The Essence of Christmas”
                     December 25 is the birth of Jesus Christ. Every year we celebrate this occasion. This is the most beautiful part of our life, because we share blessings to each everyone. 
                     We always prepare food, prepare for decorations, and we pray for God when Christmas day came. Some lighted fireworks and some are singing. And the best part when Christmas came is the Misa Aguinaldo, 9 days before Christmas. Wake up Every dawn and go to church for a mass. We do this every year before Christmas day came. Some said if you complete the 9 days of Misa Aguinaldo your wish will be granted. Some are going to houses for a carol and they will receive some gifts.
                                   Those are some happenings when Christmas is near and when Christmas is here. Christmas should be like that, No wars will happen, Going to Church for Misa Aguinaldo, preparing food for Noche Buena, Lightening some fireworks and decorate our house so we can feel the essence of Christmas. Our Christmas here in Pinas is the best. Christmas should be like that! Peaceful and memorable.

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